This Organic Darjeeling Autumn Samabeong is an exceptional expression of the autumn season in Darjeeling from Samabeong – one of the highest and most remote organic tea gardens in the region. Samabeong is surrounded on all sides by valleys of forests and rivers, rich with flora and fauna, and is home to great biodiversity, including endangered species. As a result, the soil here is complex, and the climate is cold, with an altitude of over 2000 metres above sea level, producing slow-grown Darjeeling teas with concentrated and pronounced flavour profiles.
Our new Organic Darjeeling Autumn Burgundy is a FTGFOP1 Burgundy grade that is handmade and lives up to its unique place of origin. Made from the 3rd Flush of deep brown twisted leaves and downy tip that produce a cognac-coloured infusion that expresses ripe and syrupy-sweet fruit aromas, and offers an infusion to match – with notes of muscatel, hazelnuts and blackcurrant.
The “Burgundy” is a unique Autumn flush. It is produced by hand picking the first shoots from the young tea plants of the AV2 cultivar from the autumn production season. The leaves are delicately rolled by hand until the optimum oxidation point – where the full flavour and aroma of the tea has been achieved. The tea leaves are then subsequently placed into the drier to capture the complex unique flavours and aromas being released. The colour in the cup is a rich burgundy with a smooth furnish and bright bloom, hence the name.
Find out more about Darjeeling flushes with our ‘Darjeeling Tea: From First to Third Flush’ journal article >